Legacy of quality education that you can trust

Designed For Current And Aspiring Professionals
Every year, thousands of aspiring professionals looking to enter the Emergency Medical Services field fail to earn their certifications and licenses because exam questions got the better of them. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Exams require preparation.
Committed to quality
All of our members stay up to date by attending conferences, taking classes, and following evidence-based practice.
Trusted by industry professionals
All questions are reviewed by multiple EMS educators, paramedics, PAs, or Physicians who are actively involved in Emergency Medical Services.
Making Your Decision Hassle Free
We offer free trial accounts to everyone, try out our system and see if it fits your needs. If it doesn't? There are no hard feelings, we just want to help you succeed.
EMS education made accessible to all
We understand living on a budget, which is why we offer our free trial before you buy, as well as access to our Discord server - even if you choose to not stay with us
We have a National Registry simulator so you can practice the adaptive tests.
Descriptive plain-speak explanations to improve retention.
Full access to our Discord server, where students can ask questions and receive answers from industry professionals.