12 Aug, 2023

What Is MedEdPrep?

What Is MedEdPrep?
MedEdPrep was born from a need to pinpoint precisely where students struggle before taking their certification exams. For students, we offer a robust test prep platform, while schools benefit from comprehensive insights into their program’s performance across over 200 data points.

Understanding Your Program’s Performance
Not only do we provide an overview of your program’s performance, but we also dive deep into details about satellite locations, individual instructors, and individual students. All this information is available from one place.

What Does This Data Look Like?
Here’s a glimpse of what you can expect:

Student Dashboard: View student performance, focus areas, and improvement over time.

Question Review: View plain-speak explanations with external references.

Administrative Account: Analyze student performance in main categories and specific sub-categories, allowing you to tailor your teaching strategies.

Are These Validated Questions?
Our experts, including instructors, providers, and an ER physician medical director, meticulously review questions for relevance and validity. By aligning with the latest textbooks and medical journals, we are building a system that will meet CAAHEP and CoAEMSP standards for question validity. This new system will also enable us to offer unit exams.

What Does It Cost?
The program can be completely free if you recommend your students to use our platform. Institutions can also choose to cover the cost at $80 per student, per year. Note that pricing is subject to change, and administrative accounts are currently free of charge.

Special Offer for High Schools:

If you or anyone you know is teaching an EMT/AEMT class at a High School, we will sponsor the entire class for free for one full calendar year.

Get Started Today
If you’ve encountered the same challenges that inspired the creation of MedEdPrep, don’t hesitate to reach out. We can set you up with an Administrative account or offer a discount code for your students.

Contact Jeramey at [email protected] to get things started.